Workers’ compensation isn’t going to make your rich, but it can represent a financial lifesaver or a lifeline to individuals who have suffered serious injury in an accident at work or developed a serious work-related illness. For New Jersey residents who successfully navigate their workers’ compensation claims, here are the types of benefits they can expect:
— Medical benefits: Receiving medical benefits means that an injured or sick worker will be able to get all the medical care that he or she requires to treat any work-related injury or illness. Considering the high cost of medical care these days, and the unaffordability of most medical procedures, this is certainly a boon to any worker who has to go to the doctor or hospital.
— Replacement income: When a New Jersey workers’ medical condition caused by work conditions is so severe that he or she is unable to return to work right away, the employee can apply for wage replacement benefits. Although these will not be the full amount of prior wages, they will come close because they will not be subjected to tax deductions.
— Retraining costs: If a worker can’t return to work because of a permanent injury, workers’ compensation may pay for the costs of retraining so the employee can re-enter the workforce in a career that’s possible given his or her current physical or mental limitations.
— Permanent injuries: Workers’ compensation is largely meant to be a temporary aid. However, if a worker is deemed to be permanently disabled as a result of a work-related illness or injury, then permanent wage replacement and medical benefits may be received.
— Survivors’ benefits: These are available to spouses and close family members of a worker who died as a result of his or her job.
New Jersey residents hurt on the job and their families may want to learn about workers’ compensation benefits and how to qualify for them. A workers’ compensation benefits lawyer is a great place to start, when learning about these important issues
Source: FindLaw, “Workers’ compensation benefits explained,” accessed Feb. 10, 2017