New Jersey construction workers face some of the most dangerous conditions every day on the job. In comparison with a white collar worker may make double or triple a hardhat, the dangers of the average construction job would almost seem horrific. Nevertheless, construction workers report to duty every day, taking the risks they’ve grown accustomed to being “just part of the job” in order to put food on their family’s tables.
It’s true that construction workers can go years and decades without being involved in an injurious work-related accident, but it doesn’t have to be an accident that ends in a worker getting hurt. Indeed, for a lot of construction workers, the years of hard labor start to add up and repetitive motion injuries begin to develop. These injuries, and random back and neck pains, can eventually become so bad that manual work is impossible.
If you are a construction worker facing the reality of a job-caused condition or injury, know that workers’ compensation insurance is on your side. You can seek money through filing a workers’ compensation claim that will pay for the medical care you require to get better. A successfully pursued workers’ compensation claim may even net you compensation for time that you are unable to work as a result of your injuries, so that you can get rested and better without needing to worry about how you’ll be able earn the money you’ll need to support your family.
At the Law Office of Jack L. Stillman, PA, we have extensive experience representing New Jersey workers in all manner of workers’ compensation claims. Our legal staff is available to talk with you about your injuries and potential claim.