New Jersey residents who work in the electrical industry, whether as electricians or engineers, should know that OSHA is striving to raise awareness of the safety hazards faced in this industry. Working on cable harnesses, overhead lines, circuit assemblies and more can lead to falls, electrocution, fires and explosions. OSHA focuses especially on the safety of electrical workers in Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.
The reason is that these three states together saw 15 cases of electrical workers being hospitalized and two cases of amputation within the past five years. Between October 2012 and September 2018, there were even six cases of fatalities among electrical and wiring installation contractors. OSHA conducted a series of safety inspections in the three states from January 2015 to September 2018.
Employers anywhere in the U.S. can take advantage of the various resources that OSHA offers in their effort to better identify and address electrical hazards. For example, there are the Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs.
Another resource is the On-Site Consultation Program, where OSHA helps small- and medium-sized businesses establish a health and safety program and align themselves with OSHA standards. The consultations are free of charge and are confidential. They also do not imply that a penalty or citation will be given out.
As for those who are injured despite the employer’s best efforts to maintain a safe work environment, they may be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can reimburse them for their medical expenses and for part of the income they lost while out of work. Filing for them can be a complicated process, though, so victims may want a lawyer by their side. The lawyer might assist with an appeal if benefits are denied. Victims may also ask about opting for a lump sum settlement.