Construction workers make up about 6 percent of the overall workforce throughout New Jersey and the rest of the U.S. However, they accounted for 20 percent of employee deaths in the private sector according to OSHA data. One of the biggest hazards workers face on a construction site is falling. Falls can occur because of an unstable surface or because they weren’t using a ladder in a safe manner. They can also occur because workers failed to use or improperly used protective equipment.
Employees may be at risk for getting hurt or killed on a construction site because of electrical hazards. Therefore, workers should know where power lines and other utilities are located. It’s also important to have a plan to avoid them while working. Furthermore, a safety plan should account for forklifts, cranes and other large equipment used on a job site. This can help to prevent accidents related to construction workers being hit by objects.
Construction workers may also be exposed to dangerous substances while on a job site. These can include chemicals that are spilled or that release toxic fumes when burned. As chemicals and other dangerous materials can increase the probability of a person getting sick on the job, employers should provide workers with respiratory equipment. They should also be provided with safety data sheets to better understand how to interact with a given substance properly.
Those who are injured or get sick on the job for any reason could receive workers’ compensation benefits. Generally speaking, it doesn’t matter if the worker caused the accident or if the employer was at fault when determining the benefits. Payments might be made on a permanent basis if an individual is not able to return to work. An attorney may be helpful in answering a sick or injured worker’s questions.