If you spend a lot of time on the computer, carpal tunnel syndrome could ruin your career. The symptoms of carpel tunnel can involve tingling, weakness, numbness and other issues associated with the hands and lower arms. The symptoms can become so severe that they prevent you from typing, using a mouse and operating a computer.
The problem is usually caused by inflammation that affects the flow of nerve information through the “carpal tunnel,” a passage in the wrist that nerves go through. When this small tunnel becomes inflamed, it will put pressure on the nerve and sometimes completely interrupt the flow of information, causing numbness and pain.
How does your carpal tunnel become inflamed you might ask? It becomes inflamed from repetitive use. Humans weren’t made to sit at a computer typing all day long. After a while, typing can create inflammation from repetitive strain on the ligaments, muscles and bones. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be caused by diabetes, hypothyroidism and pregnancy.
Sometimes, the only cure for carpal tunnel is lots of rest time. In other situations, surgery can help. All in all, the experience can be extremely costly — in addition to the pain — especially if you’re not able to do your job anymore and have to pay for medical care.
Fortunately for New Jersey workers who contract carpal tunnel syndrome because of their jobs, it’s possible to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits can be used to pay for medical and surgical costs relating to carpal tunnel. If an employee is not able to work for an extended period of time due to the condition, wage replacement benefits can also be applied for.
Source: WebMD, “Carpal tunnel syndrome,” accessed Dec. 30, 2016