New Jersey people whose work environments are noisy may have high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure, raising their risk for heart disease. This information comes from a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The two main risk factors for cardiovascular disease are high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease also ranks first in the causes of death in the nation while loud noise is a primary workplace health hazard. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the CDC reports that almost 41 million people in the United States, just about a quarter of all workers, have reported being exposed to loud working environments.
The impact noise can have on one’s health is drawing more attention. While it can negatively affect a person’s hearing, loud noise also contributes to poor cognitive performance, migraines and sleep disturbance.
According to the director of NIOSH, reducing the noise levels in the workplace is not only to protect workers’ hearing; it can also lower their cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The health and wellness programs provided in the workplace that provide screenings for high cholesterol and blood pressure levels should be readily available to workers exposed to noisy workplaces.
The results of the study showed that almost 25 percent of people working in 2014 had been exposed to workplace noise while just 14 percent were exposed the year before. The results also indicated that the occupational noise exposure was responsible for some cases of workers experiencing impaired hearing, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
People who develop occupational diseases due to unsafe work environments may speak with a personal injury attorney if their workers’ compensation has been denied, or their benefits are inadequate. A lawyer may assist clients with appealing their benefit claims.